Ethics in Biomedical Informatics


Ethics are a very big component in the conduct of individuals in any society and the whole society in general.

They define the boundary between good and bad conduct….and they are subjective, basing on the context in which one finds themselves.more on ethics

Regardless though, ethics are not necessarily legal components; but legal issues are in most or all cases ethical components.  Ethics an law on the other hand, always move hand-in-hand…….law and ethics

In the field biomedical informatics, ethics are a very hard field to deal with because they are met at the intersection between Healthcare, Information technology, and computer science. And it is in very many cases very hard to merge all these fields together in regards to ethical considerations.

Nevertheless, in consideration of ethics in this field of biomedical informatics; in very many cases one or two of the core fields is neglected or ignored altogether and much emphasis put on the other(s)…..and usually, healthcare (medicine) is given all the attention with disregard of the other two-information technology and computer science.

Many will argue that it is right to give healthcare utmost consideration than the other fields but isn’t it really imperative that for comprehensive coverage of all ethical issues in this field, all fields are given the due consideration and credit they deserve??!!